I love humorous advertising videos because they celebrate what it is to be human, and they’re of course entertaining as well as memorable.
We all get bogged down in seriousness, and humour is so valuable in giving us more lightness in our lives.
And, according to the article 10 Big Benefits of Smiling by Mark Stibich from Very Well Mind, the act of smiling triggers, “the release of neuropeptides (such as prolactin, vasopressin, and oxytocin) that improve your neural communication.” Who doesn’t get like a bit of quality neural communication? Smiling also apparently releases neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which help to reduce anxiety and boost mood.
Laughing is even better. According to the Mayo Clinic article Stress relief from laughter? It’s no joke, laughing increases the release of endorphins in your brain, helps you take in more oxygen dense air and stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles. It also boosts circulation and your immune system. All of this of course makes perfect sense, because we already know that we feel good when we’re laughing.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy these videos.