Extra Mile Writing

Extra Mile Writing

Grant Writing

I’ve written successful grant applications totalling over $967,000.  These grants have put new infrastructure on the ground in rural communities, created inspirational and attractive streetscapes, funded community events and training opportunities, and supported both population growth and increased tourism.

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$363,248 Successful recent grant funding Shire of Westonia

Lotterywest museum extension and community hub development grant for $363,248.

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$67,928 Successful grant funding Parnana Pikurtu Wildlife Sanctuary

Lotterywest boundary fence grant for $67,928.

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$141, 861 Successful grant funding Shire of Westonia

RAC Reconnect grant town centre art and infrastructure 2022 $64,422, Charge Up Electric Car Charging Infrastructure grant 2023 $21,439, CBH grant for Westonia Men’s Shed 2024 $6,000, National Men’s Shed Programme grant 2024 $10,000, Mukinbudin Bendigo Community Bank grant Warm Water Activity Pool $35,000 and Collgar Renewables grant Warm Water Activity Pool $5,000.

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$16,500 Successful grant funding Shire of Gingin

Healthway arts event grant $5,000, Volunteering WA Promotion grant $5,000, Volunteer Week grant $1,500, Healthway arts event grant $5,000.

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$8,000 Successful grant funding Shire of Bruce Rock

$8,000 CBH infrastructure grant for Bruce Rock amphitheatre renovations.

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$9,205 Mangowine Concert Committee Successful Grants

Concreting of Mangowine Homestead Dome Stage – CBH $6,704.54 and Collgar Renewables $2,500.

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$26,300 Successful Wheatbelt Business Network grant funding

Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal Tackling Tough Times Together mental health first aid workshops for Corrigin, Katanning, Quairading and Narembeen.

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$72,137 Successful grant funding Nungarin Community Resource Centre

Lotterywest Nungarin Heritage Machinery & Army Museum Upgrade 2017 $52,062, Lotterywest Home Grown Festival Events Grant $4,230, FRRR New Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner 2016 $2,663, Grants for Women 2017 Workshop $4,472, Neighbourhood House Week 2017 Event $319, FRRR Volunteering WA Workshops 2016 $1,000, Road Safety Commission Volunteering WA Workshops Events Grant 2016 $420, Thank a Volunteer Day 2016 Lunch Event $800, Road Safety Commission Home Grown Festival Events Grant $420, Neighbourhood House Week 2016 Event $375, National Youth Week Event 2016 $924 & Grants for Women 2016 Workshop $4,452.

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$50,000 Mount Gould Police Station Restoration & Upgrade by the Shire of Meekatharra & Royalties for Regions Mid West Development Commission Community Chest Fund 2017

Restoration of timber framework, re-plastering of walls, restoration of steel framing on doors and windows, fencing to protect building from livestock & installation of a new water tank to provide potable water to tourists visiting this 1888 heritage property.  Total project value $100,000.  Royalties for Regions Mid West Development Commission Community Chest Fund grant funding $50,000.

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$20,000 Meeka Rangelands Discovery Trail Upgrade by the Shire of Meekatharra & Royalties for Regions Mid West Development Commission Community Chest Fund 2016

Upgrading of 19 boardwalks and/or bridges, as well as entry and exit points to a total of 302 metres of boardwalk and bridge on the trail.  Total project value $152,812.  Royalties for Regions Mid West Development Commission Community Chest Fund grant funding $20,000 & Lotterywest contribution of $57,812.

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$23,082 New Universal Access Unisex Toilet project – Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal & the Westonia Progress Association Inc

A new universal access unisex toilet to service the Westonia Miners Hall.  Total project value $23,082.  $10,000 Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal Caring for Ageing Rural Australians 2014 grant funding (maximum available), Westonia Progress Association Inc. contribution of $13,082.

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$16,500 Vibrating Interactive Mine Tunnel project – Westonia Progress Association Inc. and the Shire of Westonia

Installation of a vibrating interactive mine tunnel at Westonia’s Hood-Penn Museum by Westonia’s Hi-Lo Construction and Centek Construction with technical and design support from Scitech.  Total project value $33,503.  Grant funding obtained from Westonia Progress Association Inc. for $16,500.

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$4,000 Oral Histories project – Lotterywest

Oral histories grant to allow local seniors the opportunity to have their oral histories recorded and to ensure local historical information was stored for the benefit of current and future generations. Total project value $6,500.  Lotterywest grant funding of $4,000.

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$12,020 Playground Equipment project – Lotterywest, Westonia Progress Association Inc. & the Shire of Westonia

New set of playground equipment featuring pyramid net and climbing walls at the Westonia Playground.  Total project value $24,640.  $6,720 of grant funding from Lotterywest & Westonia Progress Association Inc. grant funding of $5,300.

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$7,000 Community Recycling Cages project – Keep Australia Beautiful

Six new community recycling cages for the town and refuse site through the 2013 KAB Beverage Container Recycling Community Grants 2013.  Total project value of $7,000 fully funded by Keep Australia Beautiful National. 

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$17,702 Shade Sails project – Lotterywest & the Shire of Westonia

Hip roof shade structures and shade sails to provide further two additional shade areas over playground equipment at the Westonia Community Playground. Total project value $25,289.  Lotterywest grant funding of $17,702 awarded 2012.

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$16,899 Water Storage Tanks project – Department of Agriculture & Rural Business Development Corporation

Six new 20,000 litre rain water tanks installed on the west side of the Shire Works Depot for emergency fire fighting and stock water carting purposes.  Total project cost $16,899.  Fully funded by a Water Storage Tank grant funding application under the 2010 Dry Season Assistance Scheme through the W.A. Department of Agriculture and Food.

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$95,000 Historic facade & renovation project – Shire of Westonia & Royalties for Regions Wheatbelt Regional Grants 2010

$95,000 of Royalties for Regions 2010 Wheatbelt Regional Grants scheme funding that enabled a verandah and historic facade to be constructed at the Westonia Community Resource Centre building and allowed the existing foyer area of the building to be re-modelled as a tourist display area.  Total project value $120,000.  Royalties for Regions Wheatbelt Regional Grants Scheme funding $95,000.