Extra Mile Writing

Extra Mile Writing

About Me: Small Business & Small Rural Community Specialist

I promote small businesses and small rural communities through effective written content that ranks online (see my Writing Portfolio page) and through writing successful grant applications.  I love writing long form blog articles that build relationships with clients and customers.  I can also be found writing and photographing tourism and farming articles promoting beautiful rural Western Australia.

What I care about

I’m passionate about small business, because it drives our economy and our world.

Small business means living our lives according to our own values.  It’s where we can achieve beautiful goals and serve our communities most effectively.   

Small business offers enormous value to our nation.  Small business invents and innovates continuously to meet the needs of the human beings it serves. 

Small business uses resources most effectively, provides the greatest service to human beings and generates wealth.

I’m also passionate about small rural communities, because they’re home to amazing, resourceful, resilient and capable people.

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The yadayadayada about me

I love helping small businesses and small rural communities grow.

This is because I think small business gives all of us the best possible life, and because rural communities are close to my heart. 

I grew up on a family owned and run sheep station near Mount Magnet in Western Australia and was educated through Meekatharra School of the Air.  From a young age I loved being involved in an agricultural business, helping with mustering, lamb tailing and drafting.  The busiest times of the year were always during the school holidays, and I thrived on being an integral part of the operation.  There were dogs around, chooks to feed and motorbikes to ride.  I had the most beautiful childhood in the world.  

I have a practical, useful, real-life perspective and I value my ability to listen.

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I love capturing the voice and style of small businesses that I work with, and getting this 100% perfect.

I pick up how different small businesses operate quickly because I’ve been around.  I’ve worked in agriculture, tourism, community services, postal services, waste, procurement, research, horticulture, aged care and mining.  And I’ve spent significant time in economic and community development roles because these offered great diversity and allowed me to work with local small business.  I’ve worked for business, non-profits, and in the past, all three levels of government.  Location wise, I’ve worked in the pilbara, on a wheat/sheep farm in the eastern wheatbelt, and in regional Western Australian centres like Geraldton and Merredin.  I currently live and work from Goomalling in the wheatbelt of Western Australia. 

I’m not impressed by certificates or pieces of paper, but if you’re interested I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Curtin University.  Apart from a HECS debt for a little while, this also gave me some useful grounding in the psychology of marketing. 

Check out my Portfolio page for some examples of my work, give me a call on 0439 923 976 or throw me a message using my Contact form.