The Most Effective Way to Market a New or Growing Business
When I first started my business many years ago I was a complete space cadet. I thought that because I had a website up on the internet, I’d somehow magically attract business enquiries from across the state and across the country. I soon discovered that the reality would be the
6 of the Most Humorous Advertising Videos Ever Made
I love humorous advertising videos because they celebrate what it is to be human, and they’re of course entertaining as well as memorable. We all get bogged down in seriousness, and humour is so valuable in giving us more lightness in our lives. And, according to the article 10 Big
6 Tips to Help you Survive Developing and Growing a Business
The initial phase of a business journey is pretty amazing, but it’s also hugely challenging. It’s one of those beautiful periods of time where your brain is constantly learning but your capacity is also being tested in every way. While you’re working your furry little rear off and learning so
The Magical Combination of Exceptional Service and Business Marketing
The quality of service we provide to our clients and customers is intrinsically and inseparably related to our marketing efforts. Of course, we all need to invest continuous and regular time in marketing our businesses in order to stay in business. However, this article looks at how a strong client
Why Getting Older and Wiser Rocks
Getting older and wiser is absolutely bloody awesome. Personally, I reject the ageist beliefs that a lot of people go along with in our society. Instead, I choose leadership. By this I mean that I recognise that I am in a leadership position relative to people younger
Australian Businesses that make a Difference in Rural Western Australia
We often don’t think about the Australian businesses that make a real difference in our rural communities. Yet their products are important tools in our businesses and our homes. Their products are a staple in our lives and become part of the infrastructure that makes our communities work. And where
You’re Awesome and There’ll Never be Another You
At the very core of all business marketing is who you are as a unique individual. This directly impacts the way you run your business and what you offer the marketplace. All of us need to know ourselves, and what makes our businesses special and valuable extremely well. But this
What are you Waiting for?
I spent so much of my life waiting for things. I used to have this terrible passive belief that “everything was going to work out.” I believed that I just had to keep enduring things because I’d be able to look back eventually and smile happily, when everything had worked
Following the Norm is Boring, Different is Awesome
I’m not a huge fan of the norm. From what I’ve experienced, when things become standard or run of the mill, they’re often a less than great experience. I didn’t always feel this way. I actually used to look at the websites of other businesses in my industry and feel
The Uses and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence: Why AI is BS
There is a huge amount of hoo-haa being thrown around everywhere about Artificial Intelligence at the current time. You can’t go anywhere without even basic software applications banging on about it. For example, I can’t even open a PDF document on my computer without being told that the software now
Time Management a Total Shit Show for you at the Moment? Here’s a few tips I Learnt the Hard way
Time management has certainly been an absolute shit show for me. Feeling like you’re fighting an ongoing battle with time and always losing is awfully painful. Because time is of course one of the most precious resources each of us has, and it’s the one thing that all of us
Life Gone to hell in a Hand Basket? You’ll be Okay
Has shit gone seriously south for you? I can relate. But these days when shit goes wrong I’ve got a few more tricks up my sleeve to handle it, without wearing my body out feeling miserable and stressed. I’m going to look at two different scenarios, in ascending order of
Shit, did I just say that . . . . ?
Anyone feel like they could communicate a bit better? I definitely could. As I’m female, I have no trouble speaking. But I don’t always communicate what I want or need to say. Part of this is that I’m naturally shy and awkward, but this is more about growing a set
A Feedback Survey is the Most Offensive Thing you can Send me
I don’t know about you, but I’m roundly sick of being continuously emailed and texted for my feedback. Often such requests are presented after the most trivial of interactions with a business. Or, worse, I’m both texted and emailed an identical request for feedback. Seriously, just duck off. Such emails
Block some time off Before you die of Exhaustion
Small business people have the most amazing work ethics. They work whenever they can. They’ll often even use their weekends, public holidays and evenings to squeeze more work in. They love to get their hands dirty and to make beautiful things happen. But they can also easily kill themselves with
Why the Language we use is so Important
We all know that communication is critical. In our personal lives, we’ve all lived through situations where what we’ve chosen to say, or how we’ve chosen to address something has made a world of difference to whether we’ve achieved a positive outcome or not. Just like in our personal lives,
Marketing can be Awesome
Marketing unfortunately can be seen as something sleazy or icky, and as a thing that is separate to everyday business activities. It is neither, though it definitely can be sleazy and icky when done badly. Firstly though, I’ll define what I mean by marketing for the purposes of this article.
Why you can’t take the Human out of Business Communication
I don’t know about you, but I believe that you can never take the human out of business communication. By this I mean, you can’t just throw any old crap up on your website or social media, and expect that this will do for your business. We all know that
Some Common Traits of People Running Small Businesses
I love people who run their own small businesses. The reason I love people who run small businesses is because they all share the below awesome traits. To clarify though, I’m not saying that other people don’t have the below traits, they certainly do. However, I’ve noticed that all of
Surviving Small Business Fatigue
How are you doing? I hope that you’re going okay and that you’re not feeling completely reamed up the proverbial. Because let’s face it, if you’ve got a small business you would’ve experienced severe fatigue at one point or other. Firstly, I just want to state that this article is
How to get Better Service From Businesses
1. Do Your Homework Before you engage a business, do some research. If you know other people who’ve used their services, talk to them. Look at their website and any other information they provide. Most importantly though, speak to them and ask questions. This gives you a good feel for
Why Every Business Needs Professional Photos
Local professional photographers are seriously worth their weight in gold. While I love writing, I hate being confronted by a wall of text. Words, quite simply, need images. It’s a bit like the sky. You need the beautiful blue sky, but you need the sun as well. At least I
Why Government Over Reach Must be Prevented
It was March 2022. The WA Government was enforcing “emergency” laws left right and centre, because there was a pandemic on. Where previous pandemics had always previously been responded to with calm, this time there had to be panic, and it had to be widespread. All of us were kept
Funny Billboards
Billboards have to grab your attention with only a few words. To be memorable they need to be creative and humorous. Below are four seriously funny advertising billboards. I hope you enjoy them. Beautifully done. Thanks to Primary Media Outdoor Advertising. Glad we’ve cleared that up. Thanks to Nathan Davidson
3 Awesome Videos that Demonstrate the Power of an Effective Video Script
Videos have always been one of the most effective mediums of communication. People love them because they’re full of life, humour and action. And they tell a story really well. Focused and well written video scripts create the most memorable advertisements and the most memorable content. People share these kinds
How Giving the Finger to Ballroom Dancing in High School Helped me in Business
The human spirit is a pretty awesome thing, and I’m so glad for mine. I boarded at a co-educational private school known as Sacred Heart College in Perth for my five years of high school. I’d come from a sheep station, where all of my primary education had been through
5 Reasons Hiring a Copywriter Pays Dividends
Unfortunately, copywriting is still not a well-recognised industry in Australia. However, copywriters are really just small business owners like you. These small business owners simply write to help other businesses achieve their commercial goals for a living. Specifically, Hubspot defines copywriting as “words, either written or spoken, (that) marketers use
5 Reasons Business Ethics are Paramount
Now more than ever, businesses who know right from wrong will thrive. A business owner’s ethics have always been absolutely critical, but these days we’re all more tired of being poorly treated than we used to be. We’re more wary of businesses that aren’t worthy of our trust, and we
Why Running Your Business Your way is Powerful
The most beautiful thing about business is that you can do it exactly how you want to do it. Want to do a thank you video after a customer makes a purchase on your website showing yourself in a leotard doing a bad rendition of Irene Cara’s Flash Dance .
6 Benefits of Working from Home in Business
6 Benefits of Working from Home in Business 1. You get more done Productivity can be a boring topic, so I’m not going to bang on about it. Essentially, you can get a lot more done running a business from home. There’s no interruptions or casual chatter to distract you
How Dodgy Bloomers Create Resourcefulness
When I went to boarding school for my high school years, I unfortunately had to attend a compulsory subject called Physical Education, or PE. I was a rank outsider from station territory in the bush, where most of the time we worked instead of playing sport. I certainly wasn’t familiar
5 Personal Benefits of Running a Small Business
I’ve been in small business for over seven years, and I love the fact that I’ve received a number of personal benefits over that time. Sure, the financial benefits you receive from running a small business are super important. But personal benefits are also absolute gold, because you can’t spend
Why Good Copywriting is a Worthwhile Investment
We all love to read well written copy. Reading well written copy is like drinking a super large mug of your favourite coffee on a cold morning. You drink happily, eager for the next gorgeous sip. You savour every minute of the experience. On the other hand, bad copy is
What Makes the Best Clients
Are you frustrated because you aren’t working with the kind of clients you’d like to work with? I’ve been in business for a while, and I’m now at a point where I’m working with a few seriously awesome clients. They’re very different people from very different backgrounds, but they’re all
13 Powerful Quotes About Business and Life
There is pure gold in the hard earned wisdom of others. That’s why I love quotes so much. Quotes are also a great example of the fact that often times, less is more. Sometimes we don’t need reams of text, we just need to read something beautiful and useful that
Mistakes in Small Business are par for the Course
One of the things I love about business is the fact that you constantly make mistakes, dust yourself off, learn a lesson, and move on. While I used to be a perfectionist, luckily I eventually learnt how dangerous this was. And I have no wish to go back to the