Website Blog Articles
I create easy to read and concise marketing text that gives clients and customers exceptional value and that builds long term relationships.
All of the articles I’ve written below rank early on the first page of Google searches using the keywords indicated (please note that in some cases text has been changed after submission):
- Search for beginners electric fencing Beginners Guide to Electric Fencing
- Search for lamb calf marking Lamb Marking & Calf Marking: Products to Make Marking as Quick and Easy as Possible
- Search for weaner sheep health Achieving the Best Health Outcomes for Your Weaners
- Search for summer shearing Summer Shearing
- Search for lice flystrike worms sheep Tackling Lice, Flystrike and Worms in Sheep
- Search for dry seeding farm Dry Seeding Versus Wet Seeding: What Conditions Offer the Best Chance of Dry Seeding Success?
- Search for lime gypsum farm Lime and Gypsum – Do I Need Them on my Farm?
- Search for wheatbelt seeding Seeding is on Now in the Wheatbelt Way
- Search for wheatbelt harvest Harvest is Underway in the Wheatbelt Way
- Search for best of the wheatbelt My Best of the Wheatbelt Way List
- Search for granite rocks wheatbelt Let Your World Be Rocked!
- Search for wheatbelt wildflowers Wildflowers of the Wheatbelt Way
- Search for mangowine homestead The Inspiring Mangowine Homestead
- Search for Nungarin markets The Famous Nungarin Wheatbelt Markets
- Search for explore Westonia Explore Westonia
- Search Containers for Change Northam Shire of Northam – Containers for Change
- Search worm farms Northam Shire of Northam – Worm Farms, Composting & Bokashi Bins
Grant Writing
I’ve written successful grant applications totalling over $967,000. Please see my Grant Writing page for a list of successful grants that have created new infrastructure and re-developed existing infrastructure, supported and increased local tourism income, and developed community events.
Business Awards Submissions
I’ve written and reviewed successful business award submissions, including two recent submissions that won Wheatbelt Business Excellence Awards in 2024. Having an outside or objective viewpoint on a business and the value it delivers to clients is useful here.
I provide you with a set quote to look over and edit your content or submission as an objective outsider so that you feel happy that it’s polished and ready to rock.
Essentially, I do all of the above and more because I love helping small businesses grow.

“Annemaree’s knowledge and experience, coupled with her expertise in writing applications and submissions were a huge asset to the Shire. She was able to “hit the ground running” and quickly grasp what needed to be done, and then produce excellent results in a short space of time. Annemaree showed 100% commitment to her role and we are very happy to recommend her to others.”
Alan O’Toole, Deputy CEO, Shire of Bruce Rock.