Extra Mile Writing

Extra Mile Writing

A Feedback Survey is the Most Offensive Thing you can Send me

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I don’t know about you, but I’m roundly sick of being continuously emailed and texted for my feedback.

Often such requests are presented after the most trivial of interactions with a business.

Or, worse, I’m both texted and emailed an identical request for feedback.

Seriously, just duck off.

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Such emails and text messages represent a truly offensive modern day onslaught and a complete waste of corporation time.  It’s as if corporations are begging for customers to see them as cumbersome idiotic dinosaurs that waste precious time, resources and time in our limited human lives with such requests. 

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And of course, it is highly unlikely that no one within the large corporations that send out these automated requests for feedback is ever going to read, let alone take on board, my thoughtfully expressed suggestions for their improvement.

We all know that if a business simply gives good service, they don’t need to send out inane requests for feedback.

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Don’t get me wrong, I love it when a business wants to improve the goods or service they provide to me.  If they approach me personally and in a manner that is considerate of my time, I’m chuffed to be given the opportunity to tell them my thoughts on what they could improve.  Obviously, this is in a situation where I’m speaking to a human being within a business I know, where that person genuinely cares about my thoughts and is in a position to be able to actually act on my suggestions.

As for all other forms of feedback, they can go to hell.

I’m completely over requests that waste my time.  And I’ve had enough of my inbox and phone being bombarded with mindless shit that I have to then delete.

Enough, already.

© Annemaree Jensen