Extra Mile Writing

Extra Mile Writing

Following the Norm is Boring, Different is Awesome

coloured stars in black sky

I’m not a huge fan of the norm.

From what I’ve experienced, when things become standard or run of the mill, they’re often a less than great experience.

I didn’t always feel this way. 

I actually used to look at the websites of other businesses in my industry and feel absolutely earth-swallow-me-up-dismal. 

I’d feel so depressed, I’d have to literally get up and walk out of my home office.

woman alone on beach

My business was nothing like theirs, and I just assumed that this must mean that I was light years behind and failing tragically. 

Luckily, I finally realised that actually, the fact that their websites were completely different to mine was a good thing.  Because while I still had tonnes to work on to improve my business, I recognised that a lot of these businesses were presenting a very similar kind of offering.  They used the same terminology, their offerings were all packaged the same way and their promotional text was similar. 

There was just so much same, same, same.

It was tedious and uninspiring.  And if I tried to become one of these semi-identical businesses,  would I achieve anything for the world?   

Also, if I put myself in the shoes of a potential customer from outside the industry, I realised that I wouldn’t necessarily feel that happy and excited to view such websites if I needed some help.  If I was one of my favourite clients, I think I’d feel bewildered and unimpressed by viewing what these businesses were offering, and I’d be looking for something different.

This realisation was a huge relief for me. 

row storage units

After all, just because a lot of businesses in every industry sector follow along with the norm and provide similar goods and services in the same way, it doesn’t necessarily mean that their customers are being well served. 

In fact, doing things differently is not only behind all inventions, it is also behind some of the most profitable products, services and businesses around.  Doing things differently has resulted in some beautiful things, from cochlear implants and water purification technology to soft serve ice cream and milk chocolate. 

blue glass pebble amongst brown pebbles

Though I’d have to say, doing things differently normally isn’t a new invention or a new product.  Difference can come in a variety of forms.  It could be providing amazing personal service to all of your clients while everyone else is treating their clients like an annoying inconvenience, or using humour in your e-commerce marketing text to make a weary customer’s day.  It could be anything at all.

Life in general and the world of business is so full of the same old shit.

There are just so many opportunities to do things differently and to profit from doing so. 

And in relation to doing things differently, through one of Marie Forleo’s awesome business programs I discovered the fabulous concept of blue ocean business strategy rather than red ocean strategy.  Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne created this concept and wrote the book of the same name, which suggests that businesses focus on differentiation and low cost to create a new market where there isn’t competition, or a blue ocean.  This is in contrast to swimming around in the usual red ocean which is characterised by bloody competition and possibly, sharks.

beach at sunrise

I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather frolic around in a blue ocean (one of those floating bars within arms reach would also be good), and add better value to the world by offering something different at the same time.

Though to be honest, I’ve never really worried too much about competition.  And most business owners I know aren’t massively bothered by competition either.  Focusing on providing a great service to others through your business generally leads to its own positive outcomes.  While yes, it is interesting to keep an eye on what others in the industry might be offering, most people I know feel more collegial about other businesses in their industry.  This is potentially because these people are already doing things differently and adding value to the economy and the world as a result.  Their positive focus means they don’t have to waste time worrying about sharks ripping them apart.  

So in summary, doing things differently is what makes you, you.  And what makes your business amazing, too.

three boys smiling

All businesses start tiny and with an individual person who wants to achieve something.   They grow from there, with different shapes, sizes and forms depending on what suits the owner of the business and they type of business they run.  But in essence, all business were created as something awesome way back when they were tiny little chicks freshly awkwardly stumbling out of their shells. 

woman silhouette at sunset

The most beautiful thing about business is that anyone can do it.  You can get yourself a website and a domain name.  You can market your business and publish on social media.

A successful business simply has to grow enough to make money to turn a profit and to support you. 

All the rest is whatever you want it to be. 

© Annemaree Jensen